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Yellow Gold Spider Skull Sterling Silver Ring [2]
Yellow Gold Spider Skull Sterling Silver Ring
Yellow Gold Spider Skull Sterling Silver Ring [3]
Yellow Gold Spider Skull Sterling Silver Ring [5]
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Yellow Gold Spider Skull Sterling Silver Ring [4]
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Yellow Gold Spider Skull Sterling Silver Ring [2]
Yellow Gold Spider Skull Sterling Silver Ring
Yellow Gold Spider Skull Sterling Silver Ring [3]
Yellow Gold Spider Skull Sterling Silver Ring [5]
Yellow Gold Spider Skull Sterling Silver Ring
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Yellow Gold Spider Skull Sterling Silver Ring [4]
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Inel din argint sterling craniu de păianjen din aur galben

SKU: R2570

economisiți [procent]

Inel din argint 925 cu craniu păianjen din aur galben

  • Ștampila .925 marcă înregistrată în interiorul trupei
  • Dimensiuni inel: 7/8” x 7/8”
  • Greutate inel: 25 g

Când vine vorba de modele unice, nu există un loc mai bun pentru a cumpăra bijuterii! Aruncă o privire la acest uimitor inel din argint sterling cu craniu de păianjen din aur galben, în forma unei mâini care strânge un craniu. Un design cu adevărat frumos, care este atât de gotic și totuși atât de detaliat încât arată totuși elegant. Fața inelului măsoară 7/8” pe 7/8” iar inelul cântărește aproximativ 25 g. Craniul de aur este realizat din aur de 14K suprapus pe argint sterling, ca și restul inelului.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
925 Sterling Silver Skull Spider Ring

Hello .I don't like them .... I love them! They are more than I imagined. The exact size ,worked with art, excellent transport. I will look forward to other models to complete the range. Thank you, I am happy!


The picture on the website is good,but when you get one of these works of Art well,"Stunning"is the word that comes to mind.i have purchased 7 or 8 skull,and biker rings from "bikerringshop"and let me tell you every one of them has there own can't go wrong with this company.they are definitely the best I've seen as far as the attention to definition,truly badass,and "Stunning"thanks guys at bikerringshop,glad to do business with my Bangkok friends..

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